Monday, February 16, 2009

Shout Outs!!!

Sometimes we here at WIW get so focused on the brighter side of unemployment that we overlook the soul-crushing lows ("well for starters I've always wanted to work at a supermarket") that can come from joblessness. Now there is a new resource for those feeling impotent unable to find a job, or just unsatisfied with the job they have, and its called Fuck My Life. A wonderful new blog that exposes the pathetic, sad, lives of others in short concise sentences.

Take this for example:

Today, I was giving my boyfriend a blow job, he was twitching and moving around and saying "oh yeah" then he said "take that bitch". I looked up to see he was only excited about how he is domination in Call of Duty 4. FML


Today, I realized that I know more about the Transformers history than I do about talking to women. FML

Sure most of them are seventeen year old girls whose mothers call them fat, or fifteen year old boys who get caught masturbating but in between all the teenager angst are some true moments of real humiliation. Just enough so the next you get rejected from a cart job at Costco you can smile and say hey at least I'm not lying in a hospital bed after attempting autofolatio.

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